1. In your interactions with the Victim Assistance Coordinator, how often do you feel you were treated with respect and compassion?
2. In your interactions with the Victim Assistance Coordinator, how often do you feel you were treated in a professional manner?
3. When you had questions for the Victim Assistance Coordinator, how often was she able to answer them directly or get them answered for you in a timely fashion?
4. How often were you notified/kept up-to-date on the development in the case where you were the victim?
5. If the case in which you were involved developed to the point of taking depositions and/or going to trial, how helpful was the Victim Assistance Coordinator in preparing you for that process?
6. If you called the Victim Assistance Coordinator and had to leave a voice mail message, how often were your
call(s) returned in a reasonable timeframe? (Within one business day?)
7. Having received services from the Victim Assistance Program, did you feel more empowered knowing that you had/have an advocate in the Prosecutors Office?
8. Did the Victim Assistance Coordinator refer you to any additional community based service providers to meet needs that were beyond the scope of those offered by the Victim Assistance Program? (ex: Turning Point, Nonviolent Alternatives, Gallahue Mental Heath)
9. Were you given information about how to seek restitution and/or Violent Crime Compensation?
10. Overall, how would you rate the quality of service you received from the Shelby County Victim Assistance Program?
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