Protective Services Investigator Jerry Kiefer and Mary Ann Turner are
responsible for Shelby, Hancock and Johnson Counties.
For more than 10 years, Jerry has been giving a voice to
those who cannot speak for themselves. You can reach
Jerry toll-free at (888)-387-2352. The fax number is
(317) 398-8847.
An " endangered adult" is defined by Indiana Statute as
any individual over 18 years of age who is incapable by
reason of mental infirmity, insanity, mental illness,
mental retardation, senility, old age, physical infirmity, or
other incapacity, of either managing the individual's
property or providing self-care, or both: and harmed or
threatened with harm as a result of neglect, battery or
exploitation of the individual's personal services or
property. An individual is not an endangered adult
solely for the reason that the individual is being
provided spiritual treatment in accordance with a
recognized religious method of healing instead of
specified medical treatment and if the individual would
not be considered to be an endangered adult if the
individual were receiving the medical treatment.
The abuse, exploitation, and neglect of endangered
adults, particularly the elderly, is not only a national
disgrace but often times, a crime, too. Adults who meet
the legal definition of an "endangered adult" are
usually vulnerable, helpless, confused, alone and
afraid, and powerless to change their situation without
outside intervention. It is not unusual for the abuser
to be a family member or close friend that has accepted
the responsibility of care with the best intentions but
finds that the obligations and burdens of providing this
care causes them to lose control and the situation
Our community must understand that there are laws to
protect the citizens who are unable to adequately
provide for their own well being. It is the goal of
Adult Protective Services [APS] and the respective
Prosecutor's Office to bring the necessary social
agencies, law enforcement and courts to intervene on
behalf of our at-risk adult population.
Abuse of incapacitated adults cannot be considered
someone else's problem.
Looking the other way and minding your own business will
only cause the problems to persist and spread. Concerned
citizens are the best way to stop abuse, neglect and
exploitation. Your call to APS will be handled in
confidence and your name will not be made public. Every
call will be investigated. Deliberate false reports will
be treated as a crime under applicable laws.
Adult Protective Services along with the Prosecutor's
Office stands ready to assist you with questions or
concerns about the safety and welfare of a relative,
friend, neighbor or yourself, if you think you may have
become a victim. |